[vc_row][vc_column][vc_custom_heading text=”2020 French Market Experiences” font_container=”tag:h1|text_align:left|color:%235bc3f8″ google_fonts=”font_family:Oswald%3A300%2Cregular%2C700|font_style:700%20bold%20regular%3A700%3Anormal”][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column width=”1/2″][vc_column_text]

A limited number of wristbands (tickets) for the three workshops will be available for purchase at Admission.   

Merri Bell Creations

Distressed Frame Board Experience

Friday, February 28th, 11am–1pm

Cost:  $35.00*

Create your own frame board to hold a picture of your favorite things.  These frame boards are sanded, distressed and ready to paint one of four wreath choices in combination with choices for a word that can commemorate photos of those people you cherish.

In this class you will choose the style of the board you want, the colors of the wreath and words that you will stencil on the board.  All supplies will be provided to complete a 9.25 x 10 inch frame board.  This includes putting a coat of protective wax on your finished frame board.  Included in this will be a razer hanger to hang your frame on the wall and a clip to hold your pictures.  A stylish easel can be purchased for a low cost of $5 additional for those who want to display using an easel.

Choices of words will be “Love”, “Friends”, “Family” or “Home”.  Please refer to pictures to see choices of wreath stencils.

Please arrive early to ensure you will get the combination of wreath and word stencil you want – there will be limited supplies of each choice to accommodate everyone’s design choices.


Participants must be over 12.

Limit: 30 participants


The BOM – Chocolate Truffle Making

“Not Your Grandma’s Truffles”

Friday, February 28th, 2–4pm

Saturday, February 28th, 11am–1pm

Cost:  $30.00*

You’ll use a ‘no cook’, ‘no bake’ method to make of yummy Adult Truffles, made with love & alcohol.

Flavor choices:  Bailey’s, Whiskey, Rum or Coffee

We’ll bring all of the dry ingredients, tools and supplies that you need to make & box up your delicious truffles! Each guest will make & take home 20 yummy truffles (depending on how many you eat along the way!)


Participants must be over 21 to participate in this workshop.

Limit: 40 participants each session.


*A portion of the cost of the workshop experiences will be donated to WITAN Community Projects Grants.

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